Ecosystem restoration: Dennis Karpes & Laura van Ree on land stewardship - Earth Day #UPGrade 35
Dennis Karpes is founder of Justdigit and has had a huge impact on re-greening ecosystems following desertification. He and Laura van Ree have come together to create Wonderful World.
'The good news is we can restore mother Earth'
Dennis Karpes
"We started to heal ourselves. We started to heal our connection to what is around us. We became agents in our full strength to steward ourselves and the earth".
Laura van Ree.
The Earth element in United Planet represents planetary thriving.
#upgame #thriving #earth #element #ibiza #earthday #ecosystemrestoration #wonderfulworld
Historytelling the future - storytelling new myths: Nico Alcala on #WaterDay #UPGrade 36