
Tatiana Kazakova on systems change & leadership into the Planetary Age: #AetherDay #UPGrade 30

Aether Day in the UP Game celebrates a unifying narrative of planetary thriving. In this UPGrade 30 highlights Tatiana Kazakova who is the Co-Founder and Cheif Strategy Officer of Leaders on Purpose - and beloved fiance of Lucian. Tatiana shares her vision of leadership as a choice available to all.

#upgame #thriving #aether #element #ibiza #nature #leadership #upgrade #NextGeneration #Leadersonpurpose


UP Game Death Ceremony led by Leonora & Oceano: stepping into quantum time #UPGrade 31 on Time Day


Nature led land stewardship: Juntos Ibiza Regenerative Farm - Christian Jochnick on Earth Day UPGrade 29